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The journey towards a smokefree future

Key documents from the past five years showing the progress made towards the Smokefree 2030 ambition.


November 2023

The backbench All Party Parliamentary Group on Smoking and Health launches its manifesto for a Smokefree future, calling on the Government to make Big Tobacco pay to deliver a Smokefree future.

October 2023

The Prime Minister announces his intention to introduce an historic new law to protect future generations of young people from the harms of smoking. This will make it an offence for anyone born on or after 1 January 2009 to be sold tobacco products. He also announces measures to strengthen support for people to quit, curb the rise in youth vaping, and strengthen enforcement activity. An 8-week consultation is launched to gather views on the best ways to achieve these aims.

April 2023

The Government announces new measures on ‘Achieving a smokefree 2030: cutting smoking and stopping kids vaping’ but stops short of publishing a new Tobacco Control Plan. Only one of the four ‘must do’ Khan recommendations is taken forward in full, leaving the smokefree 2030 ambition in jeopardy.


December 2022

The 2017 Tobacco Control Plan expires, leaving England with no strategy to deliver a Smokefree 2030.

July 2022

Welsh government publishes A smoke-free Wales.

June 2022

The Khan review: making smoking obsolete includes 4 ‘must do’ recommendations to achieve the smokefree 2030 ambition: increase investment in tobacco control; increase the age of sale; promote vaping; and improve prevention in the NHS. The Government commits to review the recommendations for inclusion in a new Tobacco Control Plan to be published by the end of 2022.


July 2021

The All Party Group on Smoking and Health publishes its recommendations for achieving a smokefree 2030. These include a ‘polluter pays’ levy to raise the funding needed for a smokefree future, targeted investment to reduce inequalities plus tougher regulations to further denormalise smoking.


July 2019

The UK Government publishes the Prevention Green Paper, which includes the ambition to make England smokefree by 2030, defined as smoking prevalence of 5% or less.


June 2018

Scottish government publishes Raising Scotland’s tobacco-free generation, with ambition to be smokefree by 2034.

Show your support

The SFAC stands ready to support the measures announced by the Prime Minister to protect the next generation and hasten the day when smoking is obsolete. Right now, your MP needs to know why creating a smokefree generation matters to you, your community and the work you do.